Normal ALT Un-detectable Load
Saturday, June 03, 2006 5:56 AM

Hepatitis C

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Hello Mr. Wright,

It's been quite some time since I've written you. I took the interferon treatment and have been very ill ever since. My doctors concluded I am suffering from severe depression and not from the effects of the interferon. My Psychologist and Psychiatrist can find nothing mentally wrong with me and they repeatedly have told me that they suspect the interferon has re-arranged my immune system and that my depression stems from the fact that I feel lousy all the time.

My Alt levels are normal and my viral load is all but un-detectable. I've had EEGs, Cat-scans, MRIs and a host of other tests. Three years ago before I took the treatment I jogged every morning two miles, I was active in my community, worked and played hard. I can't exercise or work anymore and at 57 am on disability, in a wheelchair and six months ago had to have rotor-cuff surgery from a fall.

I would never have taken the treatment had I researched the side effects instead of blindly trusting my smiling doctor who now has abandoned me after trying to show him the evidence I found regarding long term horrible side effects in some patients. I was guinea-pigged!

Frank in Houston